What’s next?

We're looking for a permanent space and building community support.

If you're reading this, you're already part of it.

Get involved

It’s wonderful that so many people want to see a cinema in Waltham Forest.

We can all help make the cinema a success in different ways.

Sign up to our mailing list

Staying in the loop is the best thing you can do. You'll be first to know when films and other fun things are happening, and how you can best contribute to making the cinema happen.

Follow us on social media

We're on Instagram, Facebook and X.

Follow us, say hello and share our posts with your followers.

Tell people

Talk to as many people as you can about the project. It's not a secret! Share the events and invite your friends.

Keep an eye out for venues

The cinema is looking for a permanent home. It's very likely to be an existing building, so if you know about any developments or unused space that could be home to a cinema screen or a pop up venue, get in touch.

Share your local knowledge

Do you have tips, personal connections or knowledge of Waltham Forest cinema history? We're interested in it all. Get in touch.

Help run events

Do you love making events happen? If you have great ideas, strong local connections, time, energy or skills, please get in touch.

Help raise money

Your new cinema can only happen with financial support. The current plan is to launch a crowdfunding campaign when a suitable venue becomes available. If you know of other routes to raise money, or have fundraising skills, please get in touch.

Volunteer your time and skills

Our goal is for all cinema staff to be paid fairly as part of a sustainable local economy, but you can help develop the project by volunteering your time and skills.

Chat to us

Feedback? Ideas? Thoughts? Questions? We're here to talk. Feel free to get in touch.

Thank you for being part of Waltham Forest Cinema Project. Your contribution to the community gets us closer to throwing open the cinema doors!